Saudade vocês, como vocês estão enfrentando essa guerra invisível aos olhos humanos ?
O que estão fazendo nesta quarentena ?
Aprenderam algo novo ?
Quantas vezes lavaram as mão hoje ?
Como está a situação onde vocês moram, espero que tudo sobre o controle.
Vamos lá só para entenderem melhor.
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Disponível em <,1120478/brasileiros-descobrem-diagnostico-mais-rapido-do-coronavirus.shtml > |
O primeiro alerta do governo chinês sobre o surgimento de um novo coronavírus foi dado em 31 de dezembro de 2019. Na ocasião, a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) recebeu um comunicado sobre uma série de casos de pneumonia de origem desconhecida em Wuhan, cidade chinesa com 11 milhões de habitantes. Desde então, esse novo coronavírus, que recebeu o nome técnico Covid-19, matou milhares de pessoas na China e se espalhou por cinco continentes. O Ministério da Saúde confirmou em 26 de fevereiro o primeiro caso de coronavírus no Brasil. Centenas de pacientes com suspeita da doença estão em observação no país. Em 17/3, o Ministério da Saúde confirmou a primeira morte por coronavírus no Brasil.
Anunciadas em 9 de janeiro pela OMS e pelas autoridades chinesas, as primeiras análises sequenciais do vírus realizadas por equipes chinesas indicavam que esses casos de pneumonia se devia a um novo coronavírus. A primeira morte pelo coronavírus Covid-19 foi anunciada pelas autoridades chinesas em 11 de janeiro de 2020. Em 13 de janeiro, a OMS notificou o primeiro caso de uma pessoa infectada fora da China, na Tailândia: uma mulher com pneumonia leve que voltava de uma viagem a Wuhan.
Foi a sexta vez que a OMS adotou esse alerta mundial. As outras cinco ocasiões foram: H1N1 (2009); poliomielite (2014); ebola (2014); microcefalia associada ao zika (2016), devido à crise que se originou no Brasil; e novamente o ebola (2019).
O que é o coronavírus?
Coronavírus são uma grande família de vírus que infectam principalmente animais
Mas podem causar também infecções em seres humanos, com sintomas semelhantes aos resfriados ou gripes leves.
Pode levar a complicações respiratórias em pessoas com o sistema imunológico enfraquecido
As infecções geralmente não são diagnosticadas por serem benignas, e se espera a cura instantânea
São transmitidos entre humanos por via aérea, contato com secreções ou objetos contaminados, principalmente no inverno.
Dois coronavírus causaram epidemias graves e possivelmente mortais em humanos
A SARS, Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave foi responsável por uma epidemia mundial entre novembro de 2002 e julho de 2003.
E a MERS, Síndrome Respiratória do Oriente Médio, identificada pela primeira vez em 2012
Em 2020 um novo coronavírus foi identificado na China.
Os principais sintomas são febre, tosse e dificuldade para respirar, além de dores no estômago.
As duas síndromes tiveram origem em morcegos, na época um animal intermediário.
No caso da SARS, a origem foi o gato de algália, consumido por humanos na China. No caso da MERS, um dromedário.
Ainda não existem medicamentos ou vacinas para combater esse vírus.
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Disponível em <> Disponível em <> |
Prevenção e tratamento
Nenhuma vacina ou tratamento específico está atualmente disponível, embora várias vacinas e tratamentos específicos estejam em desenvolvimento. O tratamento é favorável e depende da condição clínica do paciente.
Como precaução geral, as pessoas que visitam fazendas, mercados, estábulos ou outros lugares onde há dromedários ou outros animais devem tomar medidas gerais de higiene, em particular lavar sistematicamente as mãos antes e depois de tocar em um animal e evitar o contato com animais doentes.
O consumo de produtos de origem animal crua ou mal cozida, por exemplo, leite e carne, acarreta um alto risco de infecção por diferentes organismos que podem causar doenças em humanos. Os produtos de origem animal devidamente processados por cozimento ou pasteurização não apresentam perigo para o consumo, mas devem ser manuseados com cuidado para evitar contaminação pelo contato com produtos crus. A carne e o leite de camelo são produtos nutritivos que podem continuar sendo consumidos após pasteurização, cozimento ou outros tratamentos térmicos.
Até que se saiba mais sobre o MERS-CoV, pessoas com diabetes, insuficiência renal, doença pulmonar crônica ou imunossupressão são consideradas de alto risco para doenças graves causadas pela infecção por MERS-CoV. Essas pessoas devem evitar o contato com camelos, não devem beber leite de camelo cru ou urina de camelo ou consumir carne que não esteja cozida adequadamente.
Sem mais delongas todos devem estar bem informador de como funciona a contaminação e o que se deve fazer para evitar o contágio.
Alguns países já estavam em quarentena , aqui no Brasil entramos dia 23/032020, conversei com muito com amigos de todos lados do mundo e a resposta foi que já estavam fazendo seu controle de medidas protetivas, espero que esse pesadelo acabe logo, mas que traga muita sabedoria, e sensibilidade para a humanidade, fiz um singelo texto sobre meus pensamentos diários e noturnos pois eu sinto muito por tantas vidas ceifadas é uma dor tão grande que sinto, não sei explicar, abdiquei da minha pouca vaidade por esses dias, não sinto vontade de ficar bonita externamente, ,eu no meu interior estou destroçada ao saber de tantas mortes e eu aqui sem poder ajudar , meu coração sangra, estou procurando fazer algo para amenizar esta dor então comecei entrar em contato com outra pessoas levo uma palavra de amor, esperança e conforto não é muito mas infelizmente é o que eu posso fazer.
Este vírus veio para ensinar novamente o ser humano a resgatar suas essências humanas, seus valores na qual se dizia ser diferente dos animais irracionais!
Mas os animais não matam por seu bel prazer, eles atacam quando são ameaçados.
O animal só rouba quando está com fome e longe de seu habitat.
O animal não destrói a natureza, alguns adotam outros que não são de sua espécie.
O animal é fiel mesmo quando seu humano não lhe da o devido valor.
O animal é sensacional, eles poderiam conversar entre eles e declarar guerra aos seres de pata mais não, seus sentimento não lhe permite isso !
Sobre o ar a poluição baixou, o verde esta prevalecendo, os animais estão seguros, a Amazônia e os índios também.
O vírus não é preconceituoso, não escolhe idade, credo, opção de gênero. classe social, tom de pele ou etnia.
A ostentação agora não está na moda, os carros estão na garagem, as roupas de grife, os sapatos finos também, isso significa que ele não escolhe o luxo.
A economia caiu, empresários e alguns governantes só falam que o país vai quebrar, mas não consigo entender, diante da pandemia mundial a vida em massa vale muito mais do que cofres de uma pequena massa de colarinho branco.
Não é hora de parar para pensar e se fosse uma bomba nuclear, que espalha radiação no universo ?
Será que as pessoas pensam nisso, o fim dos tempos estão próximos e o povo não se da conta que o poder não paga vidas muito menos as trás de volta.
Hoje somos todos iguais vulneráveis e irmãos perante um único criador que diz parem de se matar em nome do poder, e seus discípulos que se dizem pastores insistem em pedir e pedir dinheiro, não era hora de doar ?
Falta conhecimento do verdadeiro amor de Deus!
Ele não foi criado, ele veio para avisar, não sou partidário político, não estou do lado de ninguém, mas nós podem ser solidários uns com os outros e tentar me destruir, essa união deve ser para sempre.
Essa viajem de primeira e segunda classe ele esta fazendo, para nós olharmos para os outros países e ver seus principias aspectos, não só os pontos turísticos ou cultura.
Não devemos julgar e sim se aliar.
Os jogos olímpicos foram cancelados para os confrontos, mas foi já foram escolhidos os times, não para competir um contra o outro e sim um pelo outro.
As canções terão destaque em qualquer voz pois se faz necessário soar um toque diferente aos ouvidos para silenciar os gritos de socorro!
As escolas também pararam mais ele está nos ensinando grandes lições durante esta quarentena.
As ruas e comércios estão vazios, nunca o ser humano pode ficar tão presente com seus familiares, quando a rotina era sem ele o "corona", as férias duram 30 dias, mas nós tínhamos a tal liberdade para ir e vir e fazer o que quiser hoje temos restrições, ficar em casa e se proteger do inimigo invisível.
Ela a mesma que podemos perdê-la quando cometemos um delito e somos presos para pagar por nossos atos, ou da mesma forma quando aprisionamos uma ave silvestre só para admirar sua beleza ou seu canto, privar a liberdade alheia por um motivo de simples o egoísmo, falta de raciocino ninguém gosta de ser enclausurado é hora de ter empatia.
Hoje realmente as pessoas iram perceber que não é o valor mas sim a importância que as coisas ou as pessoas terão, é notável que se pararmos pra pensar, se não fosse o professor para nós ensinar a ler e escrever e ter uma profissão alguns exemplos, o médico para salvar vidas, o cientista para pesquisar a cura, o motorista para nós levar ao local de trabalho, a faxineira para limpar nossa bagunça, o bombeiro para atender nossas emergências, o policial para fazer nossa segurança, o gari, ( coletor) dos resíduos que nós produzimos e as vezes nem se quer temos a responsabilidade de fazer a seleção correta para ajuda-lo e o meio ambiente também.
Não devemos espalhar noticias falsas, para denegrir ou agredir alguém, isso fere, marca ou pode matar.
Hoje as redes sociais estão abraçando mais do que a proximidade que estamos tendo com os nossos entes queridos, pois estamos vendo que os outros que estão infectados estão precisando mais de um vai passar fica bem.
A vontade de chorar no ombro de alguém. ou oferecer o nosso, existem pessoas passando por necessidades hoje, muitos com melhor poder aquisitivo abastecem seus lares e não lembra do próximo,este é o maior distanciamento social a desigualdade e este não é necessário muito menos justo, temos que aprender a ser humano.
Segue algumas palavras de ordem que vai marcar a vida de todos!
Solidariedade, impotência, respeito, saudade, dor, amor, paz, medo, fé, se resumiu em união, uma junção de sentimentos
Abaixamos o volume do consumismo, da vaidade, e escutamos uns aos outros os resumos de notícias de seus países, os números crescem mais que a bolsa de valores, pena alguns economistas não explicarem o valor das vidas que perdemos e que nunca mais vamos resgatar!
Viu como somos todos importantes, e sempre um dependendo do outros?
Bom rever nossos conceitos. Cuidado não podemos ser infectado com o vírus da ignorância!
Se não aprendermos agora. não aprenderemos nunca mais, se não houver mudança interior procuremos um profissional da área da saúde mental.
Que Deus o onisciente, onipotente, onipresente, nós proteja, que envie a cura, que ele derrame o balsamo do amor e fé sobre todos confortando seus corações, que seus entes queridos estejam no reino do céu.
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Com o distanciamento social as pessoas tentam se comunicar com seus familiares e amigos. With social distance people try to communicate with their family and friends. |
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Rio de Janeiro reflete a imagem de todas as bandeiras em soliriedade a todos países. Rio de Janeiro reflects the image of all flags in solidarity with all countries. |
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Com o tempo nós aprendemos.Over time we learn. |
Good night sheep!
I miss you, how are you facing this war invisible to human eyes?
What are you doing in this quarantine?
Have you learned anything new?
How many times have you washed your hands today?
As is the situation where you live, I hope everything is under control.
Let's go there just to understand better.
The Chinese government's first warning of the emergence of a new coronavirus was given on December 31, 2019. On that occasion, the World Health Organization (WHO) received a statement on a series of cases of pneumonia of unknown origin in Wuhan, city with 11 million inhabitants. Since then, this new coronavirus, which has been given the technical name Covid-19, has killed thousands of people in China and spread across five continents. On February 26, the Ministry of Health confirmed the first case of coronavirus in Brazil. Hundreds of patients suspected of having the disease are under observation in the country. On 3/17, the Ministry of Health confirmed the first death from coronavirus in Brazil.
Announced on January 9 by the WHO and Chinese authorities, the first sequential analyzes of the virus carried out by Chinese teams indicated that these cases of pneumonia were due to a new coronavirus. The first death from the Covid-19 coronavirus was announced by Chinese authorities on January 11, 2020. On January 13, WHO reported the first case of an infected person outside of China, in Thailand: a woman with mild pneumonia returning from a trip to Wuhan.
It was the sixth time that WHO adopted this global alert. The other five occasions were: H1N1 (2009); polio (2014); ebola (2014); microcephaly associated with Zika (2016), due to the crisis that originated in Brazil; and again ebola (2019).
What is the coronavirus?
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that mainly infect animals.
But they can also cause infections in humans, with symptoms similar to colds or mild flu.
It can lead to respiratory complications in people with weakened immune systems.
Infections are usually not diagnosed because they are benign, and instant cure is expected.
They are transmitted between humans by air, contact with secretions or contaminated objects, especially in winter.
Two coronaviruses have caused serious and possibly deadly epidemics in humans.
SARS, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome was responsible for a worldwide epidemic between November 2002 and July 2003.
And MERS, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, first identified in 2012.
In 2020 a new coronavirus was identified in China.
The main symptoms are fever, cough and difficulty breathing, in addition to stomach pain.
Both syndromes originated from bats, at the time an intermediate animal.
In the case of SARS, the origin was the pet cat, consumed by humans in China. In the case of MERS, a dromedary.
There are still no drugs or vaccines to fight this virus.
Prevention and treatment.
No specific vaccine or treatment is currently available, although several specific vaccines and treatments are in development. Treatment is favorable and depends on the patient's clinical condition.
As a general precaution, people visiting farms, markets, stables or other places where there are dromedaries or other animals should take general hygiene measures, in particular systematically washing their hands before and after touching an animal and avoid contact with sick animals .
The consumption of raw or undercooked animal products, for example, milk and meat, carries a high risk of infection by different organisms that can cause diseases in humans. Products of animal origin properly processed by cooking or pasteurization do not present a danger for consumption, but must be handled with care to avoid contamination by contact with raw products. Camel meat and milk are nutritious products that can continue to be consumed after pasteurization, cooking or other heat treatments.
Until more is known about MERS-CoV, people with diabetes, kidney failure, chronic lung disease or immunosuppression are considered to be at high risk for serious illnesses caused by MERS-CoV infection. These people should avoid contact with camels, should not drink raw camel milk or camel urine or consume meat that is not cooked properly.
Without further ado, everyone should be well informed about how contamination works and what should be done to avoid contagion.
Some countries were already in quarantine, here in Brazil we entered on 03/232020, I talked with a lot of friends from all over the world and the answer was that they were already doing their control of protective measures, I hope this nightmare will end soon, but it will bring a lot of wisdom, and sensitivity to humanity, I made a simple text about my daily and night thoughts because I am sorry for so many mown lives it is such a great pain that I feel, I cannot explain, I gave up my little vanity these days, I do not feel I want to be beautiful on the outside, I am shattered inside to learn of so many deaths and I here without being able to help, my heart bleeds, I am trying to do something to alleviate this pain so I started to contact other people I take a word of love , hope and comfort is not much but unfortunately it is what I can do.
This virus came to teach the human being again to rescue his human essences, his values in which he was said to be different from irrational animals!
But animals do not kill for their own pleasure, they attack when they are threatened.
The animal only steals when it is hungry and away from its habitat.
The animal does not destroy nature, some adopt others that are not of their kind.
The animal is faithful even when its human does not value it properly.
The animal is sensational, they could talk to each other and declare war on beings with paws but not, their feeling does not allow it!
Over the air, pollution has decreased, green is prevailing, animals are safe, the Amazon and Indians too.
The virus is not prejudiced, it does not choose age, creed, gender option. social class, skin tone or ethnicity.
The ostentation is not in fashion now, the cars are in the garage, the designer clothes, the fine shoes too, that means he does not choose luxury.
The economy fell, businessmen and some government officials only say that the country is going to break, but I cannot understand, in the face of the world pandemic, mass life is worth much more than a small white-collar mass coffers.
Isn't it time to stop and think about a nuclear bomb that spreads radiation in the universe?
Do people think about it, the end of time is near and the people do not realize that power does not pay lives, much less bring them back.
Today we are all vulnerable equals and brothers before a single creator who says stop killing yourself in the name of power, and your disciples who say they are pastors insist on asking and asking for money, wasn't it time to donate?
There is a lack of knowledge of God's true love!
He was not created, he came to warn me, I am not a political supporter, I am not on anyone's side, but we can be supportive of each other and try to destroy myself, this union must be forever.
This first and second class trip he is doing, for us to look at other countries and see their main aspects, not just the sights or culture.
We must not judge, but ally.
The Olympic games were canceled for the matches, but the teams have already been chosen, not to compete against each other but for each other.
The songs will be highlighted in any voice because it is necessary to sound a different ring to the ears to silence the cries for help!
Schools have also stopped but he is teaching us great lessons during this quarantine.
No specific vaccine or treatment is currently available, although several specific vaccines and treatments are in development. Treatment is favorable and depends on the patient's clinical condition.
As a general precaution, people visiting farms, markets, stables or other places where there are dromedaries or other animals should take general hygiene measures, in particular systematically washing their hands before and after touching an animal and avoid contact with sick animals .
The consumption of raw or undercooked animal products, for example, milk and meat, carries a high risk of infection by different organisms that can cause diseases in humans. Products of animal origin properly processed by cooking or pasteurization do not present a danger for consumption, but must be handled with care to avoid contamination by contact with raw products. Camel meat and milk are nutritious products that can continue to be consumed after pasteurization, cooking or other heat treatments.
Until more is known about MERS-CoV, people with diabetes, kidney failure, chronic lung disease or immunosuppression are considered to be at high risk for serious illnesses caused by MERS-CoV infection. These people should avoid contact with camels, should not drink raw camel milk or camel urine or consume meat that is not cooked properly.
Without further ado, everyone should be well informed about how contamination works and what should be done to avoid contagion.
Some countries were already in quarantine, here in Brazil we entered on 03/232020, I talked with a lot of friends from all over the world and the answer was that they were already doing their control of protective measures, I hope this nightmare will end soon, but it will bring a lot of wisdom, and sensitivity to humanity, I made a simple text about my daily and night thoughts because I am sorry for so many mown lives it is such a great pain that I feel, I cannot explain, I gave up my little vanity these days, I do not feel I want to be beautiful on the outside, I am shattered inside to learn of so many deaths and I here without being able to help, my heart bleeds, I am trying to do something to alleviate this pain so I started to contact other people I take a word of love , hope and comfort is not much but unfortunately it is what I can do.
This virus came to teach the human being again to rescue his human essences, his values in which he was said to be different from irrational animals!
But animals do not kill for their own pleasure, they attack when they are threatened.
The animal only steals when it is hungry and away from its habitat.
The animal does not destroy nature, some adopt others that are not of their kind.
The animal is faithful even when its human does not value it properly.
The animal is sensational, they could talk to each other and declare war on beings with paws but not, their feeling does not allow it!
Over the air, pollution has decreased, green is prevailing, animals are safe, the Amazon and Indians too.
The virus is not prejudiced, it does not choose age, creed, gender option. social class, skin tone or ethnicity.
The ostentation is not in fashion now, the cars are in the garage, the designer clothes, the fine shoes too, that means he does not choose luxury.
The economy fell, businessmen and some government officials only say that the country is going to break, but I cannot understand, in the face of the world pandemic, mass life is worth much more than a small white-collar mass coffers.
Isn't it time to stop and think about a nuclear bomb that spreads radiation in the universe?
Do people think about it, the end of time is near and the people do not realize that power does not pay lives, much less bring them back.
Today we are all vulnerable equals and brothers before a single creator who says stop killing yourself in the name of power, and your disciples who say they are pastors insist on asking and asking for money, wasn't it time to donate?
There is a lack of knowledge of God's true love!
He was not created, he came to warn me, I am not a political supporter, I am not on anyone's side, but we can be supportive of each other and try to destroy myself, this union must be forever.
This first and second class trip he is doing, for us to look at other countries and see their main aspects, not just the sights or culture.
We must not judge, but ally.
The Olympic games were canceled for the matches, but the teams have already been chosen, not to compete against each other but for each other.
The songs will be highlighted in any voice because it is necessary to sound a different ring to the ears to silence the cries for help!
Schools have also stopped but he is teaching us great lessons during this quarantine.
The streets and shops are empty, the human being can never be so present with his family, when the routine was without him the "corona", the vacation lasts 30 days, but we had such freedom to come and go and do what today we have restrictions, stay home and protect yourself from the invisible enemy.
It is the same that we can lose it when we commit an offense and are arrested to pay for our actions, or in the same way when we imprison a wild bird just to admire its beauty or its song, deprive the freedom of others for the sake of simple selfishness , lack of reasoning nobody likes to be locked up it's time to empathize.
Today people really will realize that it is not the value but the importance that things or people will have, it is remarkable that if we stop to think, if it were not for the teacher to teach us to read and write and have a profession some examples, the doctor to save lives, the scientist to search for a cure, the driver to take us to the workplace, the cleaning lady to clean up our messes, the fireman to attend our emergencies, the policeman to make us safe, the street sweeper, (collector) of the waste we produce and sometimes we don’t even have the responsibility to make the right selection to help you and the environment as well.
We must not spread false news, to denigrate or attack someone, it hurts, marks or can kill.
Today social networks are embracing more than the closeness we are having with our loved ones, as we are seeing that others who are infected are in need of more than one will be fine.
The urge to cry on someone's shoulder. or offer ours, there are people in need today, many with better purchasing power supply their homes and do not remember the next, this is the greatest social distance from inequality and this is not necessary much less just, we have to learn to be human.
Here are some slogans that will mark everyone's life!
Solidarity, impotence, respect, longing, pain, love, peace, fear, faith, was summed up in union, a junction of feelings
We lowered the volume of consumerism, vanity, and listened to each other's news summaries from their countries, the numbers grew more than the stock exchange, too bad some economists did not explain the value of the lives we lost and that we will never rescue!
Did you see how important we all are, and always depending on each other?
Good to review our concepts. Beware we cannot be infected with the virus of ignorance!
If we don't learn now. we will never learn again, if there is no inner change we look for a mental health professional.
May God omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, protect us, send healing, let him pour out the balm of love and faith on everyone comforting their hearts, may their loved ones be in the kingdom of heaven.
It is the same that we can lose it when we commit an offense and are arrested to pay for our actions, or in the same way when we imprison a wild bird just to admire its beauty or its song, deprive the freedom of others for the sake of simple selfishness , lack of reasoning nobody likes to be locked up it's time to empathize.
Today people really will realize that it is not the value but the importance that things or people will have, it is remarkable that if we stop to think, if it were not for the teacher to teach us to read and write and have a profession some examples, the doctor to save lives, the scientist to search for a cure, the driver to take us to the workplace, the cleaning lady to clean up our messes, the fireman to attend our emergencies, the policeman to make us safe, the street sweeper, (collector) of the waste we produce and sometimes we don’t even have the responsibility to make the right selection to help you and the environment as well.
We must not spread false news, to denigrate or attack someone, it hurts, marks or can kill.
Today social networks are embracing more than the closeness we are having with our loved ones, as we are seeing that others who are infected are in need of more than one will be fine.
The urge to cry on someone's shoulder. or offer ours, there are people in need today, many with better purchasing power supply their homes and do not remember the next, this is the greatest social distance from inequality and this is not necessary much less just, we have to learn to be human.
Here are some slogans that will mark everyone's life!
Solidarity, impotence, respect, longing, pain, love, peace, fear, faith, was summed up in union, a junction of feelings
We lowered the volume of consumerism, vanity, and listened to each other's news summaries from their countries, the numbers grew more than the stock exchange, too bad some economists did not explain the value of the lives we lost and that we will never rescue!
Did you see how important we all are, and always depending on each other?
Good to review our concepts. Beware we cannot be infected with the virus of ignorance!
If we don't learn now. we will never learn again, if there is no inner change we look for a mental health professional.
May God omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, protect us, send healing, let him pour out the balm of love and faith on everyone comforting their hearts, may their loved ones be in the kingdom of heaven.
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Oremos pela humanidade, uns pelos outros, solidariedade, amor e fé, são ações que nunca mais devemos esquecer de praticar todos os dias. Let us pray for humanity, for one another, solidarity, love and faith, these are actions that we must never forget to practice every day. |